Furqaan Academy


Ways to Donate

Your donations not only help support Furqaan Academy, but also improves the lives of our students.

Direct Pay
By Mail

Send Check to Al-Furqaan Foundation

  • Mailing Address: 444 E. Roosevelt Rd., Suite 173 Lombard, IL 60148
  • Existing Office Address: 401 W Boughton Rd, Bolingbrook, IL 60440
By Phone

Call Center: +1-773-97-QURAN (78726)

Headquarters: +1 630-914-5015 x 213 or ask for Accounting

By Fax

FAX Check to: +1-630-914-5018

– Attention Accounting –

Other Forms of Donation

Support Furqaan Academy (a division of Al-Furqaan Foundation) by donating stocks, bonds, and/or mutual funds.

The total stock value upon transfer is tax-deductible. When you donate an appreciated stock, you receive a FULL market value tax deduction. If you donate a long-term stock, you do not have to pay capital gains on the respective stocks.

Stock donations are simple and quick.

Steps for Donors when making Stock/Mutual Fund donations:
  1. Inform the recipient/organization of the intended donation.
  2. Authorize your current broker to transfer the stock and provide them with the following information:
    • Name of the stock to be donated:
    • Number of shares to be donated:
    • Recipient’s/Non-Profit’s account name: Al-Furqaan Foundation (Furqaan Academy)
    • Recipient’s/Non-Profit’s account number: PLR-004018
    • Recipient’s/Non-Profit’s tax ID: 20-0310701
    • Pershing DTC number: 0443
    • Saturna Brokerage Contact: Rochelle Wolber or Samantha McGarrity
    • Saturna Brokerage phone number: 800-728-8762

Should you have any questions, please contact us at 800-728-8762, ext 1103 for Rochelle or 1107 for Samantha.

Do you have an old car you don’t need anymore? You can donate it!

Through our partnership with Cars4Jannah, you can donate your car to support Furqaan Academy, a division of Al-Furqaan Foundation.


Matching Gifts

Double your support for Furqaan Academy, a division of Al-Furqaan Foundation.

If your company participates in the Matching Gifts Program, they will match your donation to our organization to double the impact of your support. Through Double the Donation, the process is quite simple. Search your company’s name on the left and follow the steps!


You donations can be matched by the company you work for with no added cost to you. This method of donations helps provide doubled funds by taking advantage of your companies donation matching policies. Just search for your company name to see if you are eligible to double your donation.

Support Construction

We need your support to grow and help to build a future for generations to come! With your donations, Furqaan Academy can expand and continue building well-rounded Huffadh, who can master the dunya and serve the deen simultaneously

Donate to Furqaan Academy

Sponsor a hafidh & get the reward for every word they read, every line they recite and every salah they lead.
We need your support to grow and help to build a future for generations to come!